17 - The Star  

Meaning: Hope, optimism, inspiration, good things to look forward to.

A gallery of some of the many artistic expressions of The Star tarot card taken from beautiful and contrasting tarot decks.

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The Star Tarot Card - Tarot of Traditions Deck

The Star Tarot Card
Tarot of Traditions Deck

The Star Tarot Card - Gregory Scott Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card
Gregory Scott Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card - Sun and Moon Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card
Sun and Moon Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card - Knights Templar Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card
Knights Templar Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card - The Romantic Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card
The Romantic Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card - Visconti Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card
Visconti Tarot Deck

The Star Tarot Card: Finding Light in the Darkness

The Star tarot card, represented as the 17th card of the Major Arcana, is a symbol of hope, inspiration, and renewed faith in the universe. Its imagery typically features a serene figure pouring water into a body of water and onto the land, with a large star surrounded by several smaller ones in the night sky. This card is a powerful symbol in tarot readings, offering a message of healing, tranquility, and the rejuvenation of spirit.

Understanding The Star Tarot Card

The Star tarot card is often seen as a breath of fresh air after the turmoil depicted in The Tower card, which precedes it in the Major Arcana. It signifies a period of calm after the storm, where peace and a sense of stability are restored. The Star's presence in a reading is a positive omen, indicating that the querent is on the right path towards achieving inner peace and clarity.

The Star Tarot Card Meaning in Various Aspects of Life:

General Interpretation

In general readings, The Star tarot card is a sign of hope and optimism. It suggests that the querent is experiencing or is about to experience a phase of spiritual renewal and healing. It encourages trust in the flow of the universe and reassures that the darkest nights will lead to a bright dawn. The Star's message is to stay faithful and to believe in oneself, as this will guide the querent towards a brighter future.

Love and Relationships

When The Star appears in a love reading, it brings a message of hope and positive energy. For singles, it may indicate that a new, inspiring relationship is on the horizon. For those in a relationship, The Star signifies a period of growth and deeper understanding between partners. It encourages maintaining faith in love and working together towards shared dreams and aspirations.

Career and Finances

In the context of career and finances, The Star tarot card suggests a time of inspiration and new opportunities. It may indicate that the querent's hard work will soon be recognized and rewarded. The Star encourages pursuing one's true passions and interests, as this will lead to fulfilment and success. Financially, it suggests a period of stability and possibly gains through innovative ideas.

Health and Well-being

The Star tarot card is a particularly positive sign when it comes to health readings. It indicates healing and rejuvenation, suggesting that the querent will overcome any health challenges they are facing. It also speaks to mental and emotional health, encouraging self-care, meditation, and connecting with nature to restore one's energy and spirit.

The Star Reversed

When The Star appears reversed in a tarot reading, its meaning is somewhat dimmed or blocked. It may suggest feelings of despair, lack of faith, and disconnection from one's inner guidance. In this position, The Star serves as a reminder to reconnect with one's core and to not lose hope, even when the path ahead seems unclear.

The Star Card in Yes or No Questions

The Star tarot card is generally positive, making it more inclined towards a 'Yes' in yes-or-no readings. It encourages optimism and suggests that the querent should proceed with their plans, keeping faith in the positive outcome.

The Star as Feelings

When interpreting The Star as feelings, it reflects a sense of peace, hope, and contentment. It suggests that the person in question feels inspired and optimistic about the future, harbouring a deep sense of trust in the journey of life.

The Star tarot card is a powerful symbol of hope, inspiration, and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. Its presence in a tarot reading illuminates the path with its gentle, reassuring light, guiding the querent towards a brighter future. Whether it's love, career, health, or personal growth, The Star encourages us to maintain our faith, to dream big, and to trust in the universe's plan for us. In the darkest of times, The Star reminds us that there is always light to be found, urging us to keep our heads up and our hearts open as we navigate the journey of life.